Anyone can get involved in conference committees supporting SLAA Fellowship Wide Services! Below is a list of all the conference committees available. Participation in more than one committee is welcomed.
Conference Anorexia Committee (CAC)
Responsible for carrying the message of awareness to the entire S.L.A.A. community; working to compile stories of anorexia and writing other literature.
Conference By-Laws Committee (CBC)
Responsible for maintaining and updating the current S.L.A.A. By-Laws, in cooperation with the BOT & FWS.
Conference Charter Committee (CCC)
Responsible for facilitating the Annual Business Conference & Meeting (ABC/M) Creates the agenda, develops the business meeting items to be addressed and generally chairs.
Helps diverse groups within S.L.A.A. get their recovery needs met in the Fellowship, carrying the SLAA message to broader groups of people throughout the world.
Conference Diversity Committee (CDC)
Responsible for the allocation of funds to the various Conference committees based on their requests and the available funds.
Conference Finance Committee (CFC)
Group of ABC/M delegates and individual S.L.A.A. members devoted to developing resources that enhance our capacity for healthy relationships.
Conference Healthy Relationships Committee (CHRC)
Conference Hospitals and Institutions Committee (CHIC) – Strives to carry the message to sex and love addicts who are incarcerated, in treatment centers, half-way houses, etc.
Conference Hospitals and Institutions Committee (CHIC)
Responsible for the ongoing open communication between Intergroups of S.L.A.A. Focuses on sharing info.
Conference Intergroup Communications Committee (CICC)
Responsible for the creation of the monthly/bi-monthly Journal “meeting in print” magazine focusing on S.L.A.A. recovery.
Conference Journal Committee (CJC)
Responsible for creating, reviewing and editing literature that is submitted for conference approval.
Conference Literature Committee (CLC)
Develops and implements ways to help retain members, and accesses the wisdom, experience, strength and hope of long-time members.
Conference Member Retention Committee (CMRC)
** CALL TO ACTION! ** The Conference Public Information Committee (CPIC) is active but needs new members, and has openings for someone to take on the role of Chair and of Vice-Chair.Two of the projects we are currently working on are writing a document to help groups and intergroups develop websites more easily, and creating an Outreach Kit which can be used to help spread the message more effectively to the public.The CPIC is responsible for assisting with public information requests. Now also responsible for working with the BOT, F.W.S. and the fellowship-at-large to develop and maintain S.L.A.A.’s presence on the Internet. This includes reviewing content to identify the presence of legal, 12 Step and 12 Tradition issues. The CPIC participates in the S-Fellowships InterFellowship Forum and helps to maintain an IFF website.
Conference Public Information Committee (CPIC, includes former CIC)
Responsible for educating and increasing members’ commitment to service.
Conference Service Committee (CSC)
Utilizes S.L.A.A. resources to increase knowledge of, promote sponsorship; support members seeking and support those sponsoring.
Conference Sponsorship Committee (CSPC)
Provides thoughtful comment to any questions in relation to issues having to do with the interpretation and application of the Steps, Traditions & Concepts.
Conference Steps and Traditions Committee (CSTC)